A detailed instructional video has been created to guide you through the steps for accessing assessments and downloading your CPD certificate of attendance. This can be viewed here.
To access assessments for Group 2 CPD credits after attending an education session, follow the steps below:
(If you attended a conference and have access to the conference app click on the 'Assessment Links' icon. The link will take you to the PSA account login screen, then directly to the online assessment).
Login to your PSA account
If you are a non-member, click on 'forgot password' an enter your email address to reset it. Then login (an account has already been created for you).
On the dashboard select the MY EDUCATION tab then click on COMPLETED
(If you didn't attend a conference session but wish to view content, this may be found under 'IN PROGRESS')
Change the 'Sort by' to: ENROLLED DATE NEWEST FIRST, to the education activity. Click on a topic then LAUNCH the assessment and view or download the speaker presentation slides (if available).
If any education sessions are missing, please email events@psa.org.au
You have access to generate a full CPD report:
1. Click on MY CPD YEAR
2. Click on 06 REPORT
3. Click the GENERATE CPD REPORT, a download will be displayed on screen
You will need to create individual activity CPD certificates:
1. Click on MY CPD YEAR
2. Click on 06 REPORT
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ACCESS YOUR CERTIFICATES
4. Change the filter to MY ACTIVITY SUMMARY
5. Click on a topic, then click PRINT CERTIFICATE
If you require assistance please contact us on 1300 369 772 during business hours.