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Facing up to acne vulgaris

Saturday, August 3, 2024
2:00 PM - 2:40 PM
C2.2 + C2.3
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Acne is a highly common, chronic, universal problem. This skin disorder is prevalent in the community with over 93% of Australians aged between 16–18-year-olds experiencing acne. Typically, acne is every adolescent’s nightmare. Acne is associated with significant cost to individuals and the communities. Unsurprisingly, acne is related to psychological and physical implications, including mood disorders, poor self-esteem and a poor quality of life. Individuals living with acne report lower performance at school and work and lower employment. Acne management is usually no quick fix, and may require a multi-step process, however there are many effective treatment strategies. Join us during this session to discuss symptoms of acne and effective management of acne. We will discuss the role of pharmacists to identify effective, appropriate and evidence-based products that reduce irritation, improve adherence and, most importantly, achieve successful treatment outcomes. Learning objectives At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the clinical features of the different types of acne. 2. Outline effective acne management strategies including both pharmacological and non-pharmacological. 3. Discuss the role of pharmacist to support individuals living with acne. Competency standards: 1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 3.5, 3.6


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Li-Chuen Wong
Head Of Department
The Children's Hospital At Westmead

Facing up to acne vulgaris


Dr Li-Chuen Wong is a consultant dermatologist specialising in both adult and paediatric dermatology. She was awarded Young international Dermatologist of the Year, World Congress of Dermatology, 2008. She is a Senior Specialist, Visiting Medical Officer (VMO) and Head of the Dermatology Department at the Children’s Hospital, Westmead, NSW. Li-Chuen is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at The University of Sydney, and heavily involved in the teaching of medical students, GPs and dermatology trainees.